Diversity Outreach

SBE, in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26, is positioned to assist companies to enhance their good faith efforts and to strengthen their compliance with subcontracting plans.
SBE’s unique business database provides a central location for disadvantaged, minority, woman, disabled-veteran and other small businesses.
One Location, Thousands of Certified Businesses
SBE imports State DOT DBE’s (nationwide)
SBE imports US SBA DSBS (SAMS) listed businesses (nationwide)
SBE maintains businesses certified by many local agencies
SBE is an Outreach Standard!
Cited as a resource by the State of California Office of Small Business Certification Resources
Listed in plans and specs of many local agencies
Utilized by many agencies and primes
Sub-bid Request Advertisements
Place a Sub-Bid Request Ad in an SBE trade and focus publication:
Small Business Exchange Weekly Newspaper*
SBE Today Newsletter
SBE Website www.sbeinc.com
Ad placement services in local print publications as required
*Adjudicated newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the City & County of San Francisco
Targeted Mailing/Faxing/Emailing
By focus group, industry type(s), certification and other requirements
Complete logs
Telephone Follow-up
Script tailored to project needs, four standard or individualized questions
Interested companies directed to bidder.
Full documentation, tailored to agency requirements
Diversity Outreach Service Order Form
SBE Northeast
Louisiana Business Journal Archive