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SBE Weekly

Small Business Exchange is a weekly print and electronic publication covering opportunities and resources for small business. It delivers a mix of breaking small business news stories, legislative updates, financial resources, marketing tips, bid and sub-bid opportunities. The focus is small (minority- woman-disadvantaged- disabled veteran-owned businesses) throughout the State of California.

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SBE Northeast

Price: $60.00

Description:Small Business Exchange Northeast is a monthly print publication with weekly electronic updates covering opportunities and resources for small businesses. It delivers a mix of breaking small business news stories, original articles and local highlights, public policy updates, financial resources including access to capital, business and marketing tips, bid and sub-bid opportunities, and ways to get connected. The focus is small, minority-, woman-, disadvantaged-, and disabled veteran-owned businesses​ throughout the Northeast.

$60.00 for one year subscription.

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SBE Northeast

Louisiana Business JournalArchive