6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Online Conversion Rates




By Tracie Johnson,

It's never been easier to launch a business. With access to information, communities and resources, so many people have the entrepreneurial bug. With that, the competition for sales increases. Thankfully there are plenty of proven strategies you can use in order to boost your own online conversation rates. In order to get started, consider the following options.


1. Website Loading Time

The loading time of a website really matters. As major platforms like TikTok continue to impact the attention spans of millions, more people prefer a quick turnaround with everything. It's not just short-form content that people want. In a digital space, they don't want to feel like they're on a website that loads with the speed of dial-internet circa the year 2000. Work with a web developer to ensure that the website flows at a high speed. It needs to be ready to handle the impact of a viral moment without shutting down.


2. Free Shipping

If people feel like they're getting a deal, this makes them more likely to take advantage of it. Plus, with more companies offering free shipping, it's almost a standard practice that you need in order to remain competitive. Plenty of major retailers provide free shipping once the total is more than $50. If you opt to use that sales tactic, this can easily encourage people to add more items to their carts (depending on your price points). Free shipping returns help customers to feel more comfortable purchasing because they know if they don't like an item, there's no major hassle or cost to sending it back.


3. Direct Mail Marketing

Looking at the statistics, it's clear that most businesses prefer to move their efforts to the digital sphere. While digital marketing efforts are extremely effective, don't forget about the power and impact of direct mail marketing. Statistics show that direct mail marketing is a less competitive space. A lot of people suffer from digital overwhelm. When you're staring at screens for hours, this can lead to an understandable sense of digital fatigue. When they're able to go to their mailbox and see an eye-catching physical ad, they're more likely to be receptive to it. This option also helps to build trust with consumers as it allows them to tangibly engage with something from your company.


4. Social Media Domination

Instead of diversifying your platforms, focus on one at a time. Completely focus on dominating your niche by engaging with customers, using appropriately targeted advertising and building a tribe. When you're able to build a responsive community, they will buy whatever you sell. In many industries, companies recognize the power of influence and community. While anyone can start a business, it takes a special type of person to create space for a community. Create a solution for a very specific niche of people. Develop an ongoing conversation around that solution in order to maintain a community of devoted customers.


5. Cart Abandonment Software

It's not uncommon for people to peruse a website, add items to their digital cart and get distracted by something else. If they've put their phone down to tend to a specific task, they could easily forget about that purchase and move on. This is especially true if the purchase wasn't an immediate need or priority. By downloading cart abandonment software, you'll be able to digitally tap a customer on the shoulder to remind them about the purchase they were about to make. Whether it's through sending a text message, an email or a number of pop-up ads as they scroll through websites, use cart abandonment software in order to meet the needs of those who tend to get distracted easily.


6. Cohesive Branding

It doesn't matter if customers engage with your brand through Instagram, email newsletters or your website, the branding and optics need to be consistently cohesive. Pay attention to various details such as messaging, colors and visual content. When you're crafting copy for Instagram or the Friday newsletter, use the same voice. If you're going to use your own photos and videos to create content, provide high-quality visuals. Most content creators use their smartphones in order to create beautiful, eye-catching content. While you don't need high-tech equipment to get the job done, make sure you're still intentional about smaller details like cleaning the lens, using natural light and uploading the best resolution of a photo. All of these factors play into how well a brand is perceived.


Closing Thoughts

If you want to boost your online conversion rates, it's time to explore various methods. Sometimes, the conversion rate isn't where it needs to be because of a seemingly minor detail like the loading time of a website. While a marketing campaign is wonderful, it's not the only strategy to consider. The details in low-quality images can be the factor that turns people away. In order to explore various options, consider six proven strategies to boost conversion rates online and amplify the ones that work best for your brand.

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