How to Start an Online Course and Make Extra Money




Learning on the Internet has never been easier. Several websites offer courses on anything you can think of, whether weight training, art history or programming languages. The only prerequisite is a computer and an Internet connection.


These days more people are turning to online course platforms to earn money while learning. Websites like Udemy allow students to purchase paid courses at their own pace and, in some cases, offer individual consultations with experts in various fields. This article will look at How to Start an Online Course and Make Extra Money.


1 . Write Your Course Title and Description

Before you can begin to sell your course, you need to write out the course title. This is a key piece of the puzzle because search engines use it to determine your course topic. You also want to make sure that it captures the attention of people interested in what you will be teaching. The name must be a simple one that makes it easy to find.


The description should be short but detailed enough to know what the course is about. It needs to be able to sell your students on the idea of taking your course.


2 . Create Your Course

You should then create the actual course for people to follow. Some courses are text-based, and others have videos, guest speakers, and other forms of media. When creating it, remember to make sure that you include all of the information you promised in your course description.


3 . Put a Price on your Course

Once you have all of the content in place, it’s time to start deciding what to charge. Some people choose to donate their courses, while others will set prices they feel are fair. You can research the number of students who use the platform and the average course prices. This will help you decide how much you want to charge for your course.


4 . List Your Course on the Website

If your course is complete, you can list it on the website. Each platform or website charges a different amount to have your course available online. You can go with something free or pay as much as someone else pays if you want more visibility and a bigger audience.


5 . Market Your Course Online

It also helps to market your course online. You can use your website, social media accounts, or even paid ads on Facebook and Google. Regardless of what you use for marketing your course, you want to ensure that as many people see it as possible.


6 . Keep in Contact with Students

Once the course has been listed online, you want to make sure that you connect with your students. This can be done through a private forum or even via email. You want to make sure that you are available and it is easy for them to contact you. This can be done through the course itself, when the students ask questions, or anywhere else it makes sense.


7 . Create a Profitable Product

Once your course has been up and running for a while, it’s time to create something that will bring you even more money. You can sell DVDs of your videos, printable products like workbooks, or anything else that you think people will buy.


8 . Monetize your Course

You should also consider monetizing the course you have created. This allows you to make money off of advertisements that appear on your website or course page. You can also allow other people to use your teaching materials without paying.



Learning is an incredibly valuable experience, and it can now be done for much less money than ever before. Anyone who wants to learn can now do so in the comfort of their own home. Whether you are looking for a fun hobby or trying to learn more about a specific subject, there are plenty of options to choose from. For example, online MCAT tutors have taken the tutoring process online and have made it possible for medical students to get the help and resources they need to ace their exams.


These are some of the key steps you can take to start an online course and make money. Of course, there are many other factors you have to consider, but if you follow these steps, it will ensure a successful online enterprise and allow you to see great results in your work.


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