5 Tech Essentials to Include in Your Business Office




The business world has changed. Gone are the days when employees would show up at their 9-5 jobs and leave work promptly at 5 pm. Nowadays, many people have multiple jobs on top of their main one, which means they need to be able to do work from anywhere that they can get an internet connection. The key is having some tech essentials in your office so you can stay productive while working remotely. Check out this list of the five most important pieces of technology for any modern office: 

1.   A Laptop or Tablet with a Good Battery Life

You should have a reliable laptop or tablet with long battery life in your office. This will allow you to be productive and do work whether you're in the office or at a coffee shop. A good laptop ranges from $100-$1500, while tablets are typically under $500.
Components of a laptop include
  • Screen (the bigger the screen, the better for better visibility)
  • Processor (you want a fast processor like Intel's I series to ensure things run smoothly)
  • Memory (more memory = more productivity.)
  • Components of a tablet include:
  • A touch screen for easy navigation and use.
  • An app store with lots of software to choose from where you can download your office software.
One example is Microsoft Office 365, which allows you to run basic office applications on your tablet or laptop. This can especially be helpful if your company uses programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. An added bonus is that it will allow employees to work remotely even when there isn't WIFI. You can have virtual meetings on the go, which is great. 

2.   Amphenol Cables

This is essential for people who work remotely. Amphenol cables are used to connect all of your tech essentials together, such as computers, printers, etc. Having the right cable is important because it will ensure you can hook everything up properly so that they run smoothly and without any issues. These cables range in price from $200-$300 depending on how many feet you need them to be (the longer the cable, the more expensive).
SCSI cable
: this is also known as a "snake" or a SAS cable. This type of wire will allow you to connect your servers together so they can send data back and forth instead of having their own hard drives. Generally, these are used for large, powerful computers which handle major business functions that require huge amounts of data storage. These cables are easy to find and can be installed and put to use quite quickly. 

3.   Bluetooth Headphones or Earbuds with a Microphone

If you want to really stay productive when working at home or outside of the office, then wireless Bluetooth headphones/earbuds are an essential piece of technology in today's business world. This way, employees don't have to worry about tripping over wires or accidentally ripping out the cord of their headphones. Bluetooth technology allows you to connect your phone wirelessly so that these earbuds can work without any cords attached. Bluetooth headphones are comfortable and easy to use, and they range in price from $30-$200 depending on the brand.

4.   Wireless Keyboards and Mice

Another essential piece of technology that allows you to work seamlessly at home or outside of the office. Wireless keyboards and mice connect your computer wirelessly, which means there are no cords involved. This is a great way for employees who do mostly deskwork from their computers can be more comfortable while working remotely. You can be able to control a CPU from 30 feet away, which is very convenient. 

5.   Smartpens with Bluetooth Connectivity

The newest tech accessories added to this list are smartpens or digital styluses. These devices allow you to connect your phone wirelessly via Bluetooth so that the pen becomes a wireless mouse. It's also good for taking notes on your tablet or smartphone and even allows you to edit them on your phone or tablet. Smartpens are great for presentations. They can be used as pointers where you just need to click and drag your pen across the screen.
The way we work is constantly changing, which means that technology is becoming more important than ever before. It's essential for companies of all sizes to have these tech essentials in order to maximize productivity and comfort when working remotely or from home.

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