Small Business Development Centers Go Above and Beyond




By George Koklanaris on March 18, 2020

The SBDCs Celebrate 40 Years of Assistance to Small Businesses.

As the American economy has changed over the past 40 years, small business has changed with it. Indeed, small business has been at the forefront of this change. 

With the remarkable evolutions in technology, commerce and consumer preferences that we have seen since the Small Business Development Center Act was enacted in 1980, one thing has remained the same: small businesses continue to serve as America’s engine of growth and innovation.

Today, small businesses are thriving both virtually and globally on an unprecedented scale, but yet still continues to fill the majority of traditional storefronts across the Nation providing our communities with jobs and vitality. 

The Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are proud to foster this prosperity and innovation. From its early beginnings of eight pilot SBDCs in the late 1970s, to over 900 today, the SBDC Network has grown and evolved alongside small businesses providing them with cutting-edge advice on everything from finance and management to technology and intellectual property. Indeed, for 40 years, the SBDCs have remained nimble to their distinct markets by tailoring their counseling and training programs to meet their clients’ specific needs. This is why the SBDCs are seen by so many entrepreneurs as both their first and last stop in starting or growing their businesses.   

As small businesses are dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus, the SBDCs will continue to be there providing their clients with expert advice on weathering this storm and returning to prosperity.

If you need assistance from your local SBDC or any of the services offered by the SBA, you can find it at SBA Get Local Assistance. If you are looking for specific information on coronavirus-related disaster loans, you can find it at SBA Coronavirus Disaster Assistance.


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