4 Simple Tips to Help E-commerce Startups Find, Attract and Keep More Customers




Photo Credit: Pixabay

By Lucy Reed,

It seems like these days, just about everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. Owning your own business, whether it’s a full-time gig or just a side job, can come with
a lot of perks. Managing that business when you’re operating solely online, however, can also come with a fair share of challenges. That’s especially true for new e-commerce entrepreneurs. So whether you’re just starting out or looking for ways to grow your online business, here are some crucial tips to get more customers shopping and coming back for more. 


Building a Better Website is The First Step in Attracting Customers 


The majority of consumers shop online these days, so you’re wise to invest your time and energy into an e-commerce setup. These online customers have come to expect a high degree of functionality, user-friendliness and design from the sites where they invest their time and money. That means you need to invest your time in making sure your company’s site meets current standards. If you lack experience designing websites, now is the time to invest your money in hiring a web designer. Depending on your needs, you can contract with a designer who can work part-time, full-time or as needed to create and help manage the ideal website for your business. When interviewing web designers, keep a punch list of necessary fundamentals so you know what to ask about; Upwork recommends looking for designers with experience in CMS/web design platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, and Squarespace, strong background UI and UX design, and the ability to collaborate with your team. Make a point to explain the vision and scope of your project, and don't forget to underscore the importance of making sure your site is mobile-friendly too. 


Marketing Your Brand to a Target Audience Can Help Your Business Thrive 


Before you start crafting your website, you have to put some serious effort into building your own brand. Those millions of potential customers have a choice to shop with just as many businesses offering similar goods and services. Clever, clean and purposeful branding is what helps your business stand out in that sea of e-commerce possibilities. If you need a little help, consider working with branding and marketing experts who can help you choose the right branding elements, from catch phrases to color palettes, to help you attract a steady flow of customers who will help keep your small business thriving. Smart branding can even help you reach your target customers and turn them into loyal patrons. 


Offering In-Demand Products and Services Can Make or Break Your Business 


You can have an amazing website and killer branding, but if the goods your business offers are not in-demand, all those efforts are really pointless. Customers have to need or want your products and services in order to spend their hard-earned dollars on them. Luckily, it’s not difficult at all for e-commerce entrepreneurs to find a niche market in which to open their online shop. If you’re not sure where to start with your business setup, know that you are more likely to find customers in popular areas such as wellness, fitness and weight loss, and pets. So, if your products or service fits into these categories, chances are you will have a broad base of potential customers to help boost your sales and success. 


Having Quality Customer Service Can Turn One-Time Shoppers into Loyal Customers 


If you want your customers to keep investing in your business, you have to stay on top of your customer service. If a customer has a question, you have to address it in a timely and professional manner, or you risk losing the chance to build those loyal relationships. In addition to helping you forge connections with returning customers, providing quality service may also help you net new customers via positive online reviews. There’s no denying the power of a positive online review to increase traffic to your small business. Negative reviews can be just as powerful, so take every step needed to address customer concerns and provide consistent customer service to every person you connect with through your business.


There are a lot of small businesses looking to attract new customers and retain the ones they have. You can set yourself apart from your competitors by using these tips and developing a plan for driving more traffic to your business.

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