Sub Bid Requests
REQUEST FOR Sub-Proposals from Certified DBE Firms
Project Name: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 Contract Number: 4250093 Owner: SANDAG DBE Goal: 19.6% Subcontractors/Subconsultants/Vendors wanted for: (Subcontractors): Fencing & Railing, Street Sweeping, Clear & Grub, Electrical, Hydroseed, Landscape/Planting, CIDH Piles, Waterproofing, Asphalt, Bridge/Structural Steel, Railroad Signal Communications, Railroad Track, Directional Drilling, Dry Utilities, Reinforcing Steel, Trucking, Steel Coating, Minor Concrete – Minor Structures, Retaining Wall, CFA (Auger) Piles, Shoring, Surveying, Signage & Striping, Quality Control and Job Coordinator (Suppliers): Ready Mix Concrete, Aggregates, BMP Materials, Topsoil, Rock Slope, Waterworks, RCP, Structural Backfill, Structural Steel, Railroad Ties, Sound Barrier, Bearing Pads, Miscellaneous Metals and Signage Project Scope: The Base Bid scope of work consists in general of grading, a new bridge, embankment, construction of drainage ditches, culverts, and retaining wall construction within the limits of MP 216.6 to MP 217.7 on a portion of the LOSSAN commuter rail corridor within Camp Pendleton in San Diego County. An Additive Alternate is included in the scope that includes the construction of 1.1 miles of second main track within the project limits. Work includes track construction; construction of a new single-track bridge; embankment and retaining wall construction; construction of drainage ditches, culverts, associated structures; site work and track bed preparation (including site clearing, grading, ballast, and sub-ballast, maintenance access roads, utility relocation and hydroseeding); in addition to procuring all materials and performing all other work necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Plans and Special Provisions. BID DATE: February 13th at 2:00PST/PDT REYES CONSTRUCTION, INC. State License Number 507561 1383 South Signal Drive, Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: 909-622-2259 Ext. 108 ? Fax: 909-622-3053 Contact: Christina Ramos - Fri 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Assistance will be available in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related technical assistance. By submitting a proposal, Respondent/Bidder acknowledges that they have performed a thorough review of the terms and conditions contained in our standard subcontract/purchase order (Contract). Respondent/Bidder quotes, including terms and conditions contained therein, will not be included in subcontracts/purchase orders issued for the project. Respondent/Bidder shall submit, in writing with their proposal/quote, any exceptions to the RCI Contract terms and conditions. Note: RCI may disqualify and reject the respondent’s proposal/bid based on the exceptions submitted. For information on the availability of scope of work, plans and specifications, and requirements of the contract please contact our office. Plans, Specifications, and Contract requirements can be viewed online at no cost here: 1) Via iSqFt – please send an email request to estimating@reyesconstruction.com 2) Bidnet Direct - https://www.bidnetdirect.com/private/solicitations/4497717210/abstract 3) Via Sharefile – please send an email request to estimating@reyesconstruction.com Please e-mail Quotes to: Estimating@reyesconstruction.com Reyes Construction Inc - San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 Email To Friend« Go Back |